Pioneers Of Extreme

Adventure Parks In India

Della Adventure & Resorts Pvt. Ltd. (Est. 2010))
  • 350+

    Skilled Employees
  • 14+

    Years of Excellence
  • 70+

    Adventure Activities
  • 1,200+

    Corporate Clients

We’ve Launched And Operated More
Adventure And Themed Activities

than anyone else,

Which means we know what it takes to transform a concept into the next big thing.In 2010, Della conceptualised India’s 1st Extreme Adventure Park for families and corporates and hasn’t looked back since. Our award winning property with 70+ activities has set the standard, welcoming over 25 lakh guests.

Our commitment to pushing boundaries and providing adrenaline-fuelled experiences is balanced with our obsession with safety.


Bunjee Jumping
Sky Cycling
Sky Cycling

With unmatched expertise, our passionate team of experts continue to develop,
operate & maintain adventure parks with state-of-the-art equipment, inspired by
the latest adventure activities from around the world.

Turning adventure Into The Secret
Of A Thriving Experiential Destination



Our adventure activities are powerful crowd magnets, making our townships
commercially viable properties. They don't just provide entertainment; they
stimulate growth and contribute to a thriving community.


Source of Revenue


Customer Retention

A Deep Understanding Of Adventure & Activities Allow Della To Infuse Our 70+ Activities Across All Our Theme Based Townships, Effortlessly Moulding Within Them To Create A Crowd Pull That Nobody Else Can Attempt To Create.

Our highly trained teams deploy, maintain and service these
drivers of success at scale to catalyse the ROI of any township.

Specialized Team That Set Us Apart

Our team boasts industry experts who have been instrumental in our projects from conceptualisation and setup, to operations and servicing, until this day. Today, we have 350+ seasoned professionals with niche expertise across all adventure activities running our state-of-the-art creations to consistently deliver unforgettable experiences to every guest. Ready to be deployed at scale across the country, we also have a dedicated sales team empowering the growth of the adventure dream.

Jimmy Mistry
CEO & Founder

Verticals That Materialise Our Townships

Explore Verticals That Materialise
Della Townships?

Our townships are theme-based concepts that are designed, built & operated by the four group companies




Annual Wedding Events


Annual Corporate Events


Adventure Activities


Villa Plots Sold

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